Predavanje profesorke Miriam Valraven: Theories of Liminality and Eccentricity

Vreme 11. april 2023. 13:30

Profesorka Miriam Valraven sa Univerziteta u Vircburgu (Nemačka) je u poseti našem Fakultetu preko programa Erazmus+ na Odseku za anglistiku. Profesorka će održati predavanje Theories of Liminality and Eccentricity u seminarskoj biblioteci za anglistiku (237/2) u utorak, 11. aprila u 13.30h. Predavanje je na engleskom jeziku i otvoreno je za sve zainteresovane.

Više o predavanju:

Aren't we all liminal as human beings? And isn't liminality everywhere? Instead of using the term as such a popular catch-all expression, this talk maps the terrain of cultural theories of liminality and distinguishes between different approaches. It also explores connected theories of cultural spaces, particularly of the centre and the "ex-centric" and shows how utilising such cultural theories can provide a key to reading literary texts.




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