
A Call for Admission of students to the first year of the
Bachelor's Academic Studies
in the academic year of 2024/2025

Phone: +381 21 450 690; fax: +381 21 450 929
Student Affairs Office  +381 21 485 3976 and +381 21 450 628
Bank Account: 840-1712666-26

1.  Number of vacancies for student admission


The total number of 1015 students can be enrolled in the Faculty, more specifically:
544 students whose education is financed from the budget and
471 self-financing students

The following number of students can be enrolled in the given degree programmes:



In accordance with the Decision of the Provincial Government, the following students can enrol in the first year BA studies with the status of students financed from the budget of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in accordance with the affirmative measures programme:

1) students with disabilities - 5 students
2) members of the Roma nationality - 5 students
3) citizens of the Republic of Serbia who graduated from high school abroad in the school year 2023/24 - 5 students

The total number of budget-financed and self-financing students cannot be higher than the one determined by the business license for each degree programme, in accordance with the provisions of Article 99, Paragraph 1 of the Law on Higher Education. Admission of candidates by affirmative action measures can reduce the number of self-financing students in certain study programmes.

2. Terms and conditions of application:
Eligible to enrol in the first year of the Bachelor's Academic Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy are the applicants who have completed secondary education with four years of duration in the Republic of Serbia and who have passed the entrance exam.  The detailed conditions for admission to the first year of the Bachelor's Academic Studies are determined by the Rulebook on Admission to the UNS Degree Programmes, the Rulebook on Admission of Applicants in the Degree Programmes implemented by the Faculty of Philosophy, the Call for Admission of Applicants announced by the University of Novi Sad, and the relevant degree programmes.

3. Taking the entrance exam:
The applicant for admission to the first degree studies takes the entrance exam. The entrance exam includes the relevant programme contents that are studied in high school for a period of four years.
Entrance exams are held separately for each degree programme of the Bachelor's Academic Studies. The manner of taking the entrance exam and the way of scoring the results of the entrance exam are provided by the Rulebook on Admission of Applicants in the Degree Programmes implemented by the Faculty of Philosophy.
The content, manner of taking and evaluating the entrance exam can be found in the admission guide for each degree programme implemented at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad.

The following candidates are exempt from taking the entrance exam or a part of the entrance exam:
- the applicants who won one of the first three individual places in a competition organized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia in the third and/or fourth grade of high school or in an international competition in the subject taken at the entrance exam, for which they are recognized for achieving the maximum number points from that subject;

The right to evaluate the success achieved at the national or international competition in the appropriate subject with the maximum number of points is exercised by the applicant submitting:
- a written request
- a relevant diploma to the dean of the Faculty when submitting the application for taking the entrance exam
- proof of payment of the fee for applying to the call and taking the entrance exam

4. Call for Admission Schedule:

First Call for Admission Period:

applicant registrationJune 19, 20 and 21, 2024 (from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM)
the entrance exam: June 26, 27 and 28, 2024 (according to the schedule published on the Faculty's website)
publication of the preliminary ranking list no later than July 1, 2024 (by 5:00 PM)
lodging appeals to the published preliminary ranking list: July 3, 2024 (according to the schedule published on the Faculty's website)
publication of the final ranking list: July 4, 2024 (by 5:00 PM)
enrolment of the admitted applicants 

July 5 and 8, 2024 (from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM) - enrolment of applicants who qualified for enrolment within the quota of budget-financed students

If the applicant who qualified for enrolment within the quota of budget-financed students does not enrol by the specified deadline, it will be considered that he/she has given up enrolment.

July 8, 2024 - moving the list (lowering the bar) for the number of vacancies within the quota for enrolment of budget-financed students (the lists will be published on the website of the Faculty by 5:00 PM).

Enrolment of the applicants who have exercised the right to enrol after the shift in the budget list: on July 9 from 8 AM to  1 PM. 

July 9 and 10, 2024 (from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM) - enrolment of applicants who qualified for enrolment within the quota of self-financing students

Note: If the applicant who qualified for enrolment within the quota of self-financing students does not enrol by the specified deadline, it will be considered that he/she has given up enrolment, so the next candidate will be enrolled in his/her place according to the order on the final ranking list. The applicants who do not respond to the announcement of vacancies within the quota for enrolment of self-financing students and public roll call of names according to the final ranking list, forfeit  the right to enrol within the quota of self-financing students in the first call for application period. 

July 11 - announcement of available self-financing slots and roll call; enrolment of applicants from the roll call - filling the quota by publicly rolling out the names of the applicants in the order on the final ranking list.

July 12 - announcement of available budget-financed and self-financing slots for the General roll call; General roll call of of the non-enrolled applicants for enrolment in the remaining available slots for certain degree programmes. On this occasion, it will be possible to enrol the applicants who have not applied for the particular programme in their application, if there is an available slot and provided that they have passed the entrance exam. The roll call will be performed according to the order of the applicants on the single general ranking list (non-enroled applicants).

July 12 - Enrolment of applicants from the General roll call will take place right after the General roll call.

Note: The schedule and manner of conducting the Roll Call for self-financing students and the General Roll Call for all non-enrolled candidates will be subsequently posted on the Faculty's website!


Second Call for Admission Period

applicant registration: September 5 and 6, 2024 
taking the entrance exam: September  9, 2024
publication of the preliminary ranking list  September  10, 2024
lodging appeals to the published preliminary ranking list: September  12, 2024
publication of the final ranking list: September  12, 2024
enrolment of the admitted applicants: September 13, 2024

All detailed information regarding the implementation of the Call will be posted on our notice boards and on the website of the Faculty.

5. Documentation submitted during the application:
When applying for the call, the applicants submit the original documents for verification, and along with the application form, they submit photocopies of the following documents:
- report card for all grades of the previously completed secondary school
- certificate (diploma) of the final exam
- ID card (in case of a chipped ID card, it is necessary to submit the print copy of the read ID card, and
- original proof of payment of the fee for call application and taking the entrance exam.

The applicants are required to bring a valid personal document (ID card or passport) to the entrance exam.

  • The applicants who apply for admission to the Bachelor's Academic Studies within the framework of affirmative action measures are obliged to declare their status when submitting the call application documents. Subsequent submission of documentation will not be accepted!

5a) Documentation submitted upon enrolment

The applicant entitled to enrol, in addition to the submitted photocopies, also submits:

- two ŠV-20 forms (obtained at the Faculty bookshop);
- two 4.5 x 3.5 cm photographs;
- proof of payment of the enrolment fee and the collective students' insurance fee;
- proof of payment of the fee for self-financing students;
- student ID booklet  (obtained at the Faculty bookshop)
- original certificate (diploma) of the secondary school final exam

All payments are made to the same bank account of the Faculty.

Photocopies of unsuccessful applicants' documents are not returned.

By the decision of the Faculty Council, the payment of tuition fees in 4 (four) equal installments was approved according to the following schedule:

  • 1st instalment at the time of enrolment
  • 2nd instalment by January 10th
  • 3rd instalment by March 10th
  • 4th installment during the certification of the summer semester

6. Fees

  • for taking the entrance exam: RSD 8,000.00
  • for enrolment and collective insurance premium: RSD 8,500.00 
  • the first installment for the enrolment of self-financing students

7. Criteria for determining the order of applicants on the ranking list:

A person applying for admission to a degree programme can score a maximum of 100 points in total, based on the secondary school grade point average and based on the results achieved at the entrance exam.

The secondary school grade point average refers to the sum of all grade averages from all subjects in first, second, third and fourth grade multiplied by 2 (two). On this basis, an applicant can have at least 16 and up to 40 points. The grade point average is rounded to two decimal places.

In the entrance exam, the applicants may score the number of points ranging from 0 to 60. An applicant has passed the entrance exam (and is thus entitled to be ranked for enrolment) if he/she scores at least 14 points in the entrance exam.

An applicant can enrolin a degree programme with the status of a student financed from the budget (budget-financed student) or a student who finances the studies himself/herself (self-financing student), which depends on the total number of points, place on the ranking list, and the approved number of students for enrolment in the particular degree programme.

An applicant can enrol with the status of a budget-financed student if he/she is on the unique ranking list up to the number approved for enrolment of candidates financed by the budget and if he/she scores more than 50 points.

Note: At the same level of study, only once can a student can be enrolled in the first year of study with the status of a budget-financed student.

An applicant can enrol in the status of a self-financing student if he/she is on the unique ranking list up to the number approved for the enrolment of self-financing students and if he/she scores at least 30 points.

If the applicant who is ranked on the final/general ranking list within the numbers determined for enrolment does not enrol within the deadline set in this Call, it will be considered that he/she has given up enrolment, and the next candidate will be enrolled in his/her place according to the final/general ranking list.

Note: When applying for a call for admission to the first degree of studies (Bachelor's) can apply for a maximum of three degree programmes. If he/she is applying for more than one degree programme, the applicant must indicate which degree programme is his/her primary and which programme or programmes are supplementary. The applicant takes the entrance exam for the degree programme that he/she marked as primary.

After the entrance exam, when the ranking lists are published, the applicant who has met the conditions for enrolment can enrol in a single degree programme at the expense of the budget.

When ranking applicants within a degree programme, priority is given to applicants who have marked that degree programme as primary.

The applicants entitled to enrol at the expense of the budget in a primary degree programme, will not be ranked on the lists of degree programmes that they have listed as supplementary.

The applicants entitled to enrol as a self-financing students or are not entitled to enrolin their primary degree programme, will be ranked, in addition to the ranking list of the primary programme, on the ranking lists of the degree programmes they have listed as supplementary, but only if those degree programmes have remaining vacancies (in relation to the announced quota). In that case, the applicant has the opportunity to choose which programme he/she wants to enrol in depending on his/her affinities or positions on different rankings. The ranking of applicants within the remaining vacancies is based on the total number of points scored in the entrance exam, regardless of which exam the applicant took.

An applicant can apply for several degree programmes and take the entrance exam for each of them, in which case the applicant cannot opt ​​for supplementary programmes.

8. Manner and deadlines for filing a complaint for the established order:
An applicant may file a complaint to the regularity of the procedure determined by the Call, the entrance exam or to his/her place on the ranking list within 36 hours from the publication of the preliminary ranking list at the Faculty. The complaint is submitted to the Commission for the entrance exam, on whose proposal the Dean makes a decision on the complaint within 24 hours of receiving the complaint.

9. Admission of foreign citizens:
A foreign citizen can enrol in a degree programme under the conditions regulated by the general provisions of the joint call announced by the Ministry of Education.

A foreign citizen takes the entrance exam.

A foreign citizen pays tuition fees throughout his/her education, unless otherwise stipulated by an international agreement or a university bilateral agreement.

A foreign citizen can enrol in a degree programme if he/she provides certificate of the Serbian language proficiency in accordance with the Statute of the University, or proficiency of the language of teaching and if he/she has medical insurance.

When applying for the call, foreign citizens submit a validated diploma of their completed secondary school for a period of four years and a certificate of citizenship.

If the validation procedure is not completed by the time of application for the call, the applicant can submit a confirmation that the validation is in progress. If the applicant becomes entitled to enrol and the validation process has not been completed, he/she can be conditionally enrolled with the obligation to submit a proof of validation by the beginning of classes.

The applicants from Republika Srpska apply without diploma validation.

Prior to enrolment, a foreign applicant is required to submit the following documents the Faculty:
- a certificate of his/her medical insurance for the school year of enrolling;
- a certificate of the Serbian language proficiency.

The Serbian language proficiency is tested within the Centre for Serbian as a Foreign Language at the Faculty.


- Issuing a certificate of the Serbian language proficiency to students from the former Yugoslav republics (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro): RSD 2,500.00.
- Test of the Serbian language proficiency with a certificate: RSD 9,000.00.

10. Note:

The conditions for enrolment of applicants who are citizens of Montenegro, citizens of the Republic of Serbia who completed their education abroad, members of the Serbian national minority from neighbouring countries, as well as persons with disabilities and members of the Roma national minority will be regulated by the instructions for conducting the call and general provisions of the joint competition organized by the Ministry of Education.

Additional information regarding the call can be obtained at the following telephone numbers:

Degree Programme

(+381 21)

Serbian Philology: Serbian Language and Literature


Serbian as a Non-native and Foreign Language and Literature


Serbian Literature and Language


Comparative Literature with Literature Theory


English Language and Literature


German Language and Literature


French Language and Literature


Russian Language and Literature


Hungarian Language and Literature


Slovak Language and Literature


Romanian Language and Literature


Ruthenian Language and Literature










Social Work






Communicology and Public Relations




Italian language, literature and culture


Spanish Language, literature and culture


Centre for Serbian as a Foreign Language


Prof. Dr Ivana Živančević-Sekeruš


Vrh strane